Welcome to Total War Warhammer 3 the world's grandest fantasy strategy real time strategy and turn based strategy game. You can control a faction in the Warhammer universe and lead them on their quests that largely involve waging total war and attempting a world conquest by eliminating every other faction. So whether you are a dwarf, elf, chaos dwarf, or undead vampire necromancer the goal is still to wage total war on everyone else. Today The Spiffing Brit will be exploiting TW: Warhammer 3 and seeing if it is a perfectly balanced game with no exploits or if everything is broken. I am certain the developers expect you to perform a world conquest within just 18 turns. So get comfy and prep your Warhammer 3 dlc for a new strategy of diplomacy and vassals. CHAPTERS 00:00 - Intro 02:00 - Getting Started 03:44 - Giga Diplomacy 06:54 - Vassalising the Dwarves 10:29 - The Greenskins Join! 12:20 - Succumbing to Chaos 14:58 - Ruling the WORLD! 16:49 - Crash & Thanks for Watching! Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRHXUZ0BxbkU2MYZgsuFgkQ/join Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Spiffing Twitter: @thespiffingbrit Discord: https://discord.gg/spiffing Title - Turning WARhammer Into PEACEhammer - Total War Warhammer 3 Is A Perfectly Balanced Game #game #funny #strategy